This site is meant to be a safe and friendly forum for faculty to post and discuss incredible emails they have received from their college students, and that means keeping it safe for everyone.
- We reserve the right to not post any especially lewd, vulgar, exceptionally graphic, threatening, or otherwise overly offensive emails.
- We are committed to protecting personal privacy and we will not publish any personally identifying information from any incredible emails you submit for posting to our site. Note that if you do accidentally include any identifying information it isn’t a big deal – we screen all emails before they appear on our site and will simply delete the identifying information from the email prior to posting it.
- If you submit an incredible email from a college student and it isn’t posted immediately, don’t be too disappointed! We’re constantly cycling through material, and if it didn’t get posted this week, it might very well be posted next week. If you have any questions about our services, policies, or whatever, feel free to contact us here.
- All submissions become the intellectual property of Rate Your Student. It is understood that you hold the right to transfer this intellectual property.